Donkeys is a web plateform developped to help groups in their decision making process.
As magnificent a project could be, to take decisions in a group by reaching good governance is essential but certainly not an easy thing.
Traditional decision processes are often based on either simple majority or full majority.
Unfortunately, these systems creates either polarizations or are quite difficult to achieve
With Donkeys, we tend to soften decision making in groups by openly create the debates.
How it works?
In a group, a member launches a proposal and invite the other members to prononce themself
on the topic.
As a response, the other members can validate a vote, add comments or ask questions or even challenge the initial proposal by submitting new ones!
Because we think that debates stimulates collective intelligence in groups by leading to the emergence of best proposals.
Donkeys bring the debate to the next step by naturally enhancing best proposals between people. Following the necessity, the majorities are then more flexible.
Donkeys is dedicated to prospective polls.
It allows members to react on the primary question and even to challenge it.
Donkeys goes further than common polls by:
creating debates between members with the possibility to add comment(s) or sub-proposal(s),
enhancing transparency of the opinions and visibility of the results of the vote. Each member has the possibility to vote and/or to develop his point of view or even tackle the initial proposal by emitting a new one,
sorting and quantifying the results obtained through filters. You can even classify the results obtained or the level of activity/interest of a proposal,
limiting the vote over time (depending on the evolution of positions),
putting in evidence which proposal gets the most interest,
delegating your vote,
highlighting the participation rate
How does it looks like?

You are invited or create multiple groups of discussions

Each member can propose, argue or vote on other proposals

The colors of the vote given will define best proposals or the one's with the highest interest
People will comments or make sub-proposals in order to improve the debate.